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Questioning Dental Patient Before Her Dental Implant Procedure
Are you interested in getting a brand-new smile, but may be a bit hesitant about how much the procedure may impact your wallet?  If you are experiencing tooth loss, getting …
Gum Recession Close Up Graphic
Gum Recession is a very prominent issue for many dental patients in North Royalton, OH and because it occurs slowly and gradually it is often not easy to detect. If …
Dental Patient Struggling With His Bills
If you have one or more missing teeth and you’ve been researching options to replace them, you may have been turned off by the upfront cost of dental implants. While …
Dental Patient Missing His Tooth
If you are one of the 40 million Americans that has at least one missing tooth, it’s important that you know that it’s not just aesthetic challenges you face. Most …
Dental Patient In Pain From Gum Disease
What is the best way to deal with gum disease? One way is to avoid having periodontal issues, if possible. However, if you have been diagnosed with this common condition, …
Dental Patient With Jaw Paint
Have you ever experienced pain or swelling in your face, head, or neck area? Do you have trouble chewing or feel discomfort in your jaw area when eating? While head …

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