When you start the journey toward revitalizing your smile and rejuvenating your confidence with full arch dental implants in North Royalton, OH, you quickly realize that you have different options. This includes deciding with a dentist whether to choose a Hybridge restoration or All-on-4® dental implants to complete the look and function of your upper or lower jaw—or both!
Either type of treatment can help you reach your dental health and personal aesthetic goals. However, you will want to know a little more about the difference between these two solutions to the problem of missing or failing teeth.
What Are All-on-4® Dental Implants?
Known for their high success rate and tooth replacement speed, All-on-4® dental implants allow you to get a new set of teeth that are anchored by implants in a single day. During All-on-4® surgery, a trained dentist implants several posts in your jaw. He then attaches a prosthesis to the posts. This allows you to have surgery and leave with a complete smile in one session.
All-on-4® dental implants tend to be the preferred full arch dental implants of people who either are tired of dentures or would prefer not to have a traditional removable denture. They also eliminate the need to go without teeth while the dental implants fuse with the bone post-surgery.
The All-on-4® dental implant system has been around for many years at this point. As such, it is considered both safe and effective. Patients of any age can be candidates, too, which makes it a viable choice for nearly all adults who are healthy enough for surgery and have enough existing bone to support their implants.
What Is a Hybridge Full Arch?
Like the All-on-4® technique, the Hybridge full arch replaces teeth that have been lost or need to be removed because of severe damage or decay. A benefit of the Hybridge system is that it is a preferred treatment for people who want a fast, simplified way to reduce their need for continuous dental interventions.
For example, many people who decide upon a Hybridge full arch restoration have become frustrated by years of dealing with problems like cavities, gum disease, tooth injuries, bridgework, root canals, and more. With Hybridge, they can stop the expensive cycle of dealing with dental concerns year after year. Best of all, the restoration itself looks natural and is stabilized by carefully placed implants.
Should You Aim for All-on-4® or Hybridge?
These two revolutionary types of full arch dental implants in North Royalton, OH, could change the way you feel about your smile. However, you probably have many questions, including which one is best suited based on your history.
To discuss these or other tooth replacement treatments, please schedule a consultation with the Iacobelli & Sala office in North Royalton, OH. Our team of board-certified experts, such as Dr. Mark Iacobelli and Dr. Stephen Sala, can help you determine the most appropriate way to meet your needs.